Annual Leave

Section: IV. ADSV 305
Approved By: Dr. Pamela J. Transue, 08/02/11
Last Review: 07/01/11 
Last Revision: 07/01/11
Prior Revisions: 06/03/04 
Initial Adoption: unknown



  1. Regular exempt employees appointed for full-time service are eligible to earn annual leave (vacation) days at the rate of 2.00 days per appointed month, commencing with the first month of employment, for a maximum of twenty-four (24) days each twelve (12) month period. 
  2. Temporary exempt employees on appointment for more than six (6) continuous months at 50% FTE or greater, are eligible to earn annual leave at the rate of 2.00 days per month for each month of full time appointment. Temporary exempt employees on appointments of six (6) continuous months or less are not eligible to accrue annual leave, except where the temporary appointment exceeds 6 months, annual leave shall accrue beginning with the 7thmonth and credited retroactively for the first 6 months.
  3. Annual leave is earned after the completion of each month the employee is in pay status for 10 or more days in the month.
  4. Annual leave is available for use only after it is earned; annual leave may not be used in advance of its accrual.
  5. Exempt employees eligible to accrue annual leave as identified in 1) and 2) above and who have less than full-time appointments shall accrue leave on a prorate basis at a rate proportional to the employee’s FTE. Exempt employees on appointments of less than 50% FTE are not eligible to earn or accrue annual leave.
  6. Exempt employees appointed on a quarterly basis are not eligible to accrue annual leave.
  7. Annual leave may be accumulated to a maximum of forty-eight (48) days  consistent with RCW 43.01.042. Additional annual leave days in excess of the maximum days may be accumulated by the following method:

(a)  If an employee's request for annual leave (vacation) is deferred by the President or  the President’s designee, then accruals beyond the maximum shall be extended each month the leave is deferred. The employee’s request to use annual leave must occur prior to exceeding the maximum accrual and the deferral shall be reported in writing to the Human Resources administrator.

(b)  If an employee’s balance exceeds 48 days and the excess over 48 days is used prior to July 1st of each fiscal year, the employee does not need to request a deferral from the President.  The balance at each July 1st will not exceed 48 days unless an additional deferral is approved by the President or the President’s designee.

(c)   Annual leave accrued in excess of the maximum but not authorized as deferred in (a) or (b)  above shall be extinguished and will not accrue to the employee's leave balance.

  1. Annual leave must be taken at the convenience of the College, as determined by the President or his/her designee. An exempt employee shall not be denied the right to use all his/her leave at one time, except when it would create extreme hardship for the College, as determined by the College.
  2. For employees on less than 12 month appointments, annual leave may not be taken during or applied to non-appointment days. For extenuating or unusual circumstances, exceptions may be made with the employee’s administrator’s approval.
  3. In cases of separation or reassignment, the exempt employee shall be given an opportunity to use the accrued annual leave. However, if the President or the President’s designee requests that the employee stay on the job, then the College shall pay the employee for any remaining annual leave at the date of the separation or reassignment; provided that said payment is consistent with RCW 43.01.041 and this policy.


  1. Annual leave shall not be cashed out at any time other that at the time of separation from employment with the College; the maximum cashout will never exceed the maximum of 48 days.  if an employee has excess of 48 days at the time of separation, the excess days will not be cashed out over the 48 day maximum
  2. An exempt employee who separates from the College due to any reason other than retirement or death shall be paid in cash compensation at the rate of one (1) full day’s pay for each full day of accrued leave, up to the maximum allowable 48 days. Compensation shall be based on the employee’s salary at the time of separation.

An exempt employee who separates from the College due to retirement or death shall be compensated for unused annual leave accumulation at the rate of one (1) full day's pay for each full day of accrued leave, up to the maximum of 48 days, including deferrals. Compensation shall be based upon the employee's salary at the time of separation. In lieu of payment for unused annual leave, equivalent compensation may be made payable to the employee’s VEBA (medical expense plan) account in accordance with the College’s qualified VEBA plan.


The purpose of this policy is to define and establish eligibility and the terms and conditions for eligibility for and accrual and use of annual leave.

To Whom Does This Policy Apply

This policy applies to all exempt employees. This policy does not apply to academic employees, classified employees, part-time temporary employees, or volunteers.


43.01.042 RCW Vacations – State Institutions of Higher Learning.

28B.551 RCW Leave Provisions Generally.


Annual Leave – leave with pay granted for the purpose of an employee’s own personal use for any reason. Also known as “Vacation”.


An employee shall request annual leave on a form and in a manner as prescribed by the College. This information is available on the College portal.

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